What Is Pre-Seed Lubricant?

Did you know that lubricants can affect conception?

We took a deep-dive into Using A Lubricant While Trying To Conceive: Everything You Need To Know -- read the article for an overview on the pros and cons of using a lubricant while TTC (trying to conceive) and which products to stay away from.

If you're specially interested in Pre-Seed Lubricant. Keep reading.

What is Pre-Seed Lubricant?

Essentially Pre-Seed Personal Lubricant is a brand name product by First Response that claims to be "specially formulated for couples trying to conceive" in that it "mimics your body's natural fertile fluids and won't harm sperm like most leading lubes."

It's not an all-natural product, but the company also says, "Pre-Seed mimics fertile cervical mucus in its pH, ion concentration and consistency. It allows your guy's sperm to swim freely, and make their way to your eggs."

Pre-Seed Lubricant is similar to Kleenex in that it has become a common word for a type of product, but is also a brand name. For the purpose of this article, we will refer to the overall idea of "pre-seed lubricant" that's created by several different brands.

Many companies claim their pre-seed lubricants are "sperm-friendly" and can enhance the chances that you'll get pregnant.

But is this true? Can a lubricant really help the chances that you'll get pregnant?

Let's take a look at both sides.

The benefits of using a pre-seed lubricant

Most lubricants are packed with chemicals and ingredients that can actually prevent your guy's swimmers from doing their job. Conception friendly lubricant works WITH your body in a variety of ways (depending on the brand) to create an optimal environment for your body to accept sperm.

Could It Just Be Hype?

In general, one of the easiest culprits of not getting pregnant is added stress. Women who are desperate for a baby tend to look at intimacy with their partners as more of a chore than a special time of bonding and creation. There's so many aspects that go into getting pregnant: ovulation schedule, diet, biological factors, physical or disease limitations (like endometriosis), age, health of the man's sperm, etc.

So it's no wonder that women feel an extraordinary pressure to make a baby. It's like baking a cake -- if just one little ingredient is off, the whole thing can fail.

Lubricants remove the pressure of arousal and intimate comfort.

What does this mean?

It's a simple concept but one that gets jumbled in a mess of pressure to perform.

Women (and men too) need a certain amount of lubrication in order to enjoy sex.

This need is often centered around a natural arousal and has many layers. For example, men can feel intimated or "not good enough" if they can't turn their partner on sufficiently enough to get her aroused and creating her own natural lubricant.

Women can feel pressure to sync mentally into the moment and may feel like a failure if they aren't getting turned on and creating that natural moisture.

For conception purposes, using a lubricant removes the pressure on both parties to create that natural wetness. It's already there. Now both people can focus on the intimacy, pleasure, and creation of a baby.

Let me make it clear...

Arousal and the ability to create natural lubrication are NOT linked at all. You can be super turned on and still have vaginal dryness.

The point is, that while there is some evidence that pre-seed lubricant can truly increase the chances of conception, the positive results may also stem from the placebo effect of thinking (and thus believing) it's going to help and also removing the pressure of arousal by supplying that feel good lubrication that both partners require to perform. 

Not all lubricants are created equal

There is some evidence that certain ingredients, chemicals, and acidic content can prevent sperm from doing their job. It's also been stated that an incredibly thick lubricant, like a gel or dense silicone, can make it difficult for sperm to travel. Ideally you'll want a very pure, natural lubricant with minimal ingredients (not chemicals) or opt for one of the conception-friendly lubricants made especially for couples trying to get pregnant.

What Brands Do We Like?

We of course LOVE Chiavaye for it's smooth, feel-good consistency. It lasts as long as you do, and you won't need to apply more during the heat of passion (something our male customers rave about). Plus the all-natural, vegan, hypoallergenic ingredients won't leave you worrying about chemicals or toxins.

But we understand you may want to explore other options too. Check out Sliquid as well. They have plenty of different lubricant varieties that are organic or natural.

Remember to check the ingredient lists on all products.

Vaginal skin is highly mucosal and absorbent. Which means anything you put on your private parts will be absorbed into your body and blood stream.

Do your research and see which products work for you and your partner. Every human body is different and the way that each body responds to a product will be different. Pre-seed lubricant might work amazing for one couple, but provide no results for another.

We believe knowledge is power! And thank goodness we live in a time where so many options are available to consumers.

Our team at Chiavaye is always available to talk and listen – so reach out to info@chiavaye.com if you have any questions.

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Live. Laugh. Lube.

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